I spent the last few days revisiting the opportunities and challenges I faced in 2018, I realized I need to do something different for my New Year’s Resolution this year.
Instead of focusing on health or money and all of the normal things people try to accomplish each year, I decided I am going to go a different route. I am NOT saying I am in the best health of my life or fulfilled in terms of relationships and bank balance, far from it. However, I am going to correct those issues at the source.
My 2019 New Year’s Resolution for is to simply get out of my own way.
Everything thing else being equal, this was the deciding factor for me in 2018.

Between second guessing myself in some cases or not going all in on the things I believed in, I was stuck towing the line down the middle, more often than not.
Life is lived on the Edge. People, places and things in the middle are forgotten as quickly as they appear.
The Middle (tm) is Nothing.
Keeping My New Year’s Resolutions in 2019
Over 2018 I got very familiar with my weaknesses and strengths. I started to take mental notes of my habits and decision making WHILE I was making the decisions. I started to curtail certain actions and behaviors that weren’t getting me closer to my goals.
But that wasn’t enough.
For 2019, I am placing more restrictions AND freedoms to align with the lifestyle I WANT to live.
I tweeted this out in November 2018 and I still stand by this:
BE the change what you want to be. DO the actions to get you what you want.
You can’t HAVE things without doing the work.
I spent a lot of time last year with left over projects and ideas that I simply never got to complete for various reasons.
This year, I am aligning my plans with my actions through BETTER systems and processes.
To provide a bit of clarity to that, here is an example of a project that I completed in 2018 (outside of my normal work and skill sets):
Final Thoughts
The “Photographic Memories” project (above) is one example of something that is outside of my normal work. The lessons I learned in creating it provided the groundwork for many other ideas and projects.
Every day, I am working towards a holistic version of myself through systems and processes.
The best way to do that is to get out of out my own way.
That will be my 2019.
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